Meiboscale (Grading scale in meibography)
Lid-parallel conjunctival folds (LIPCOF) - evaluation and classification

Horst Riede GmbH
Aston University Cardiff University School of Optometry and Vision Sciences, Cardiff University
AAO- American Academy of Optometry ARVO - Association of Research in Vision and Opthalmology BCLA - British Contact Lens AssociationDer Augenoptiker EAAO - European Academy of Optometry and Optics TFOS- Tear Film and Ocular Surface Society VDCO - Vereinigung deutscher Contactlinsen Spezialisten / Optometristen
Contact Lens Spectrum Die Kontaktlinse Deutsche Optiker Zeitung Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science Optometry & Vision Science
College of Optometrists Zentralverband für Augenoptik