Conference talks

*(invited talks)

Pult H. Does lid wiper epitheliopathy lack validity in relation to contact lens discomfort?
ISCLR, Portland, USA, 2017*

Pult H. Tear film assessment – workshop
WOPEC, Cardiff University, Cardiff, 2017*

Pult H. Lid assessment – workshop
WOPEC, Cardiff University, Cardiff, 2017*

Pult H. Meibomian gland  dysfunction management – workshop
WOPEC, Cardiff University, Cardiff, 2017*

Pult H. Tear film analyzes in clinical practice
Optometry 17, Sicht.Kontakte, ZVA, Hamburg, Germany, 2017*

Pult H. Keynote Lecture: Blinking from a tribological viewpoint
TFOS, Montpellier, 2016*

Pult H. & Bandlitz S.Tränen lügen nicht?
[Tears do not lie?]
DCC, Frankfurt, 2016*

Pult H. & Bandlitz S. DA bleibt kein Auge trocken
[Dry Eye: We got you]
DCC, Frankfurt, 2016*

Pult H. & Bandlitz S. Tears do not lie?
DCC, Frankfurt, 2016*

Pult H. Nachbenetzer- die 5 häufigsten Mythen
(Wetting drops – the five most common myths)
Contact 15, VDCO, Berlin, 2015

Pult H. Lid assessment – workshop
WOPEC, Cardiff University, Cardiff, 2015

Pult H. Meibomian gland  dysfunction management – workshop
WOPEC, Cardiff University, Cardiff, 2015

Pult H. Spontaneous blinking from a tribological viewpoint
ISCLR, Budapest, Hungary, 2015

Pult H. Impact of the Contact Lens Movement on the Post-Lens Tear Film
ISCLR, Budapest, Hungary, 2015

Pult H. Trockene Augen: Erkennen und gezielt handeln
(Dry eye diagnoses and management)
ERFA Opticland, Bad Kreuznach, Germany 2015*

Pult H. What actually happens to your contact lens when you blink
BCLA Conference, Liverpool, UK, 2015*

Pult H. Dry eye research from our perspective
Aston University, Birmingham 2015*

Pult H. Management and Therapy of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction.
EHA Conference, Moskow, Russia, 2015*

How Important are Surface Properties for Successful Contact Lens Wear?
EHA Conference, Moskow, Russia, 2015*

Karvik P & Pult H. Investigation and Classification of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction.
Dry Eye Toolkit  Conference, Dublin, 2015*

Pult H. The Dry Eye Toolkit – what`s new?
Dry Eye Tool Kit Conference, Dublin, 2015*

Pult H. Meibography using bon Cobra, Antares or Sirius: What are the clincicians` and patients` benefits? (Meibographie mit bon Cobra,  bon Antares oder bon Sirius: Was bringt es mir und meinen Kunden?)
Opti Munich, Munich, Germany, 2015*

Pult H. Dry Eye Paradigm from our Research Viewpoint.
Aston University, Birmingham, UK, 2015*

Pult H. Management and Therapy of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction
AEHA Symposium, Johannesburg, South Africa 2015*

Pult H. How Important are Surface Properties for Successful Contact Lens Wear?
AEHA Symposium, Johannesburg, South Africa 2015*

Pult H. Rapid Fire Session – mal etwas anderes
(Rapid Fire Session – Something New)
SBAO, Zürich, CH (2014)*

Pult H. Aufbau einer Praxis zum trockenem Auge
(How to build up a dry eye clinic)
SBAO, Zürich, CH (2014)*

Pult H. Trockenes Auge: Erkennen und gezielt handeln
(Dry Eye Management and Theraphy)
SBAO, Workshop, Zürich, CH (2014)*

Pult H. How Important are Surface Properties for Successful Contact Lens Wear?
African Health Advisor Symposium 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa (2014)*

Pult H. Management and Therapy of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction
African Health Advisor Symposium 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa (2014)*

Pult H. and Riede-Pult BH. Analyses of Lid Parallel Conjunctival Folds Using a Scheimpflug Camera.
BCLA Conference 2014, Birmingham, UK (2014)

Pult H. Clinical Evaluation of Dry Eye -  A Year of Research. Irving Fatt Memorial Lecture
BCLA Conference 2014, Birmingham, UK (2014)*

Pult H., Riede-Pult BH., Murphy PJ. Velocity of Upper Lid Spontaneous Complete Blinks and Dry Eye.
BCLA Conference 2014, Birmingham, UK (2014)

Pult H., Riede-Pult BH. Managing Contact Lens Discomfort
European Academy of Optometry & Optics, Warsaw, 2014*

Pult H. Astigmatism and Sport
European Health Advisor Symposium, Zürich 2014*

Pult H. How important are surface properties for successful contact lens wear?
European Health Advisor Symposium, Zürich 2014*

Pult H. Meibography in Clinical Practice
Fielmann - Health Advisor Symposium, Hamburg 2014*

Pult H. How important are surface properties for successful contact lens wear?
Fielmann - Health Advisor Symposium, Hamburg 2014*

Pult H How important are surface properties for successful contact lens wear?
2014 Clinical Roadshows, Manchester, Leeds, London, 2014*

Pult H. Decoding the secret of comfort – design and fit
Netherland Contact Lens Congress, 2014*

Pult H. Decoding the scrte of meibomian glands
Netherland Contact Lens Congress, 2014, Workshop*

Pult H. Interactions of contact lenses with tear film
5° Congresso Internazionale su aggiornamenti in contattologia e ottica oftalmica, Monopoli, Italy, 13-14.10.2013*  

Pult H. How select soft contact lens materials design and care system to maximize comfort
5° Congresso Internazionale su aggiornamenti in contattologia e ottica oftalmica, Monopoli, Italy, 13-14.10.2013*    

Pult H. & Ride-Pult B Practical workshop- on anterior segment/tear film examinations useful to chose soft contact lens materials
5° Congresso Internazionale su aggiornamenti in contattologia e ottica oftalmica, Monopoli, Italy, 13-14.10.2013*

Pult H. Trockene Augen (Dry Eye)
Fortbildungsveranstaltung Optometrie der Fachgruppe Wien der Gesundheitsberufe, 5. Oktober 2013*

Meibography in clinical practice
BCLA Conference 2013, Manchester, UK (2013)*

Pult H. How important are surface properties for successful contact lens wear?
European Health Advisor Symposium, Zürich, CH (2013)*

Pult H. Myths, facts, news
TVCI Educator Meeting, Zürich, CH (2013)*

Pult H. Das trockene Auge: Richtig erkennen und handeln
(Diagnoses and management of dry eye)
NRW Jahrestagung 2012, Münster, GER (2012)*  

Pult H, Praxis Meiboscan mit Keratograph 5M– Meibomdrüsendysfunktion
(Meibomian gland dysfunction - Meiboscan Keratograph 5M clinical practice)
Open Your Eyes Symposium, Zürich, CH (2012)*  

Bandlitz S, Purslow C, Murphy PJ, Pult H. Evaluation of lower tear meniscus shape with OCT. Acta Ophthalmologica 2012;90:0-. (EVER Congress, Nice, France)  

Pult H. Trockene Augen: Erkennen und gezielt handeln (Workshop)
(Diagnoses and management of dry eye)
SBAO 2012, Will, CH (2012)*

Pult H. CL drop out vermeiden
(How to avoid drop outs)
SBAO 2012, Johnson & Johnson Dinner, Will, CH (2012)*  

Pult H, Purslow C, Murphy PJ. The Predictive Ability of Clinical Tests for CLDE
ISCLS 2012, Ashford, UK (2012)*  

Pult H, Riede-Pult BH, Nichols JJ. Relation Between Upper and Lower Lids' Meibomian Gland Morphology, Tear Film, and Dry Eye
ISCLS 2012, Ashford, UK (2012)  

Pult H. Meibography in clinical practice ISCLS 2012, Ashford, UK (2012)*   Pult H. Meibography and its relevance in clinical practice
BCLA Conference, Pavilion, Birmingham, UK (2012)*  

Pult H. TVCI Dozenten Meeting: update & news (Update & news for TVCI faculty) Johnson & Johnson Meeting 03/2012, Zürich, CH (2012)*  

Pult H. IPRO Eyepolar
Opti MunichGermany  `12 (2012)*  

Pult H. Die Lidkante: Ein unterschätzter Faktor für den Kontaktlinsen-Trageerfolg. 
Contact Lens 2011. Munich, Germany; (2011)*

Pult H., Riede-Pult B., Purslow C., Warming efficiency of warm compresses versus BLEPHASTEAM in eyelid therapy.
SOE 2011, Geneva, Switzerland (2011)

Pult H. & Riede-Pult B. The new ‘TF-Scan’ application for video keratography: its repeatability and usefulness in tear film break-up time analysis
BCLA Conference, Manchester, UK (2011)

Pult H. & Riede-Pult B. Non-contact Meibography: keep it simple but effective
BCLA Conference, Manchester, UK (2011)

Pult H. & Riede-Pult B. Grading of Lid-Parallel Conjunctival Folds by Novice and Experienced Observers
EAOO Conference, Prague, Czech (2011)

Pult H. Dysfunktion der Meibomschen Drüsen
Optometrie 2011, VDCO, Berlin (2011)*

Pult H. BWL in derKontaktlinse – ein Schlüsselfaktor zum Erfolg?
(Proper management in conatct lens practice)
Ciba Vision Dozentensymposium, München,Germany (2011)*

Pult H. Das trockene Auge: Richtig erkennen und handeln
(Dry Eye: How to detect? Best treatment options?)
Contact 2010, VDCO Conference, Wolfsburg, Germany (2010)*

Pult H. Die Meibomsche Drüse: Schllüsselfaktor beim Kontaktlinentragen?
(The Meibomian GLand: Key Factor in Contact Lens Wear)
Contact 2010, VDCO COnference, Wolfsburg, Germany (2010)*

Pult H. Blephatsetam Eylid Wraming Device in MGD Treatment
World Ophthalmology Congress 2010, WOC Speakers Corner, Berlin, Germany (2010)*

Pult H. Trockene Augen beim Kontaktlinsenträger rechtzeitig erkennen
(How to detect dry eye in lens wearers)
79. Interlens-Tagung, Essen, Germany (2010)*

Pult H. Triologie zum Tränenfilms
(Triology of the tear film)
SBAO e-learning, Affoltern, Switzerland (2010)*

Pult H. Peter Abel Award 2009: The Predictive Ability of Clinical Tests for Dry Eye in Contact Lens WearVDC, Contact 09, Jena, Germany (2009)*

Pult H. Immunologie des Tränenfilms
(Immunology of the tear film)
Fachakademie für Augenoptik, Munich, Germany (2009)*

Pult H. Optometrie weltweit & Publishing
(International optometry and publishing)
University of Applied Sciences Jena, Jena, Germany (2009)*

Pult H. Das trockene Auge
(Dry eye)
University of Applied Sciences Jena, Jena, Germany (2009)*

Pult H. P-Test: Der neue Standard in der  Tränenfilmanalyse? (P-Test: the new standard in dry eye analyses?)
Johnson & Johnson Symposium 2009, Norderstedt, Germany (2009)*

Pult H. Current research in dry eye
King Saud University, Department of Medical Sciences,Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (2009)*

 Pult H. Low vision in clinical practice
Low Vision Symposium, King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, SaudiArabia  (2009)*

Pult H. Dry eye in non- and contact lens wearers
Low Vision Symposium, King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, SaudiArabia (2009)*

Pult H. Können Trockenheits-Symptome beim Kontaktlinsentragen vorhergesagt werden?
(Can we predict dry eye symptoms in contact lens wear?)
Interlens, Luzern, Switzerland (2009)*

Pult H., Purslow C., Murphy P. J., Berry M. Lid wiper epitheliopathy, ocular surface and tear film in symptomatic contact lens wearers
EVER, Annual Congress 2008, Special Interests Symposium,  Portoroz, Slovenia (2008)*

Pult H. & Zapsky P. Professionelle Spaltlampenuntersuchung - ein Garant für dauerhafte Kundenbindung
(Professional after-care garaties patient`s compliance) 
 VDC, Contact `08 - Jubiläumskongress, Jena, Germany (2008)*

Pult H. Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten
(Scientific Working)
University of Applied Sciences Jena, Jena, Germany (2008)*

Pult H. Das trockene Auge
(Dry eye)
University of Applied Sciences Jena, Jena, Germany (2008)*

Pult H. Immunologie des Tränenfilms
(Immunology of the human tear film)
University of Applied Sciences Jena, Jena, Germany (2008)*

Pult H. Klassifikation von Spaltlampenbefunden
(Clinical grading)
SBAO, Bern, Switzerland (2008)*

Pult H. Trockenes Auge in der optometrischen Praxis
(Dry eye in clinical practice)
Optometry`08, Munich, Germany (2008)*

Pult H. Trockenes Auge ? Schon mal Fisch probiert?
(Dry Eye? Try fish!)
Optometry`08, Munich, Germany (2008)*

Pult H. Einschränkungen der Lebensqualität durch trockene Augen - muß das sein?
(Do we need restrictions in quality of life due dry eye?)
WVAO, Südwestdeutsche Schwerpunkttagung, Rust, Germany (2008)*

Pult H. Subjektive und objektive Bestimmung des trockenem Auges
(Subjective and objective evaluation of dry eye)
Scientific Working, University of Applied Science Jena, Jena, Germany (2007)*

Pult H. Korrekturmöglichkeiten der individuellen optischen Aberrationen mit Brillengläsern
(Wavefront guided correction by spectacles)
WVAO-Congress, Südwestdeutsche Fachtagung, Zweibrücken, Germany (2007)*

Pult H. Ophthonix - Erste Erfahrungen mit wellenfrontkorrigierten Brillengläsern im Augenoptik-Fachgeschäft
(Opthonix - First experiences with wavefront guided spectacle lenses in private practice)
Augenoptisches Kolloquium, University of Applied Science Jena, Jena, Germany (2006)*

Pult H. ZVIEW & iZON, Testmarkterfahrungen und Ergebnisse aus Deutschland
(ZVIEW and IZON, results from the German test market)
Ophthonix ERFA Presentation, VonHoff, Zürich, Switzerland (2006)*

Pult H., Purslow C., Murphy P. J. Clinical grading of ocular hyperaemia.
CI Research Group, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Uk (2006)*

ZVIEW & iZON, wellenfrontkorrigierte Brillengläser im Augenoptik-Fachgeschäft
(ZVIEW and IZON, wavefront guided spectacle lenses in privat practice)
Ophthonix ERFA Presentationen, Hamburg - Fulda - München, Germany (2006)*

Pult H. Dauerbrenner trockenes Auge - Neue Erkenntnisse
(Dry eye, what`s up?)
AAO European Chapter, Oberhausen, Germany (2006)*

Pult H. Erlebnis PhD? Kenntnisse, Zeitbedarf, Studien, Publikationen!
Experience PhD?  Skills, time management, studies, publishing!)
Scientific Working, University of Applied Science Jena, Jena, Germany (2005)*

Pult H. Sehen im Sport
(Sports vision)
Sport-Symposium Weinheim, Weinheim, Germany (2003)*

Pult H. & Sickenberger W. LIPCOF and contact lens wearers.
Bilosa,  Innsbruck, Austria (2000)*

Pult H. Wie oft sollte ein Kontaktspezialist seinen Kontaktlinsenträger sehen?
(How frequent should the contact lens wearer return to the office?)
VDC-Congress, Fulda, Germany (1999)*

Pult H. & Sickenberger W. LIPCOF and contact lens wearers.
AVNO-Congress, Maastrich, Netherland (1998)*

Pult H. Results of current research on non-invasive tear film assessment methods in dry eye
VDC-Congress, Bonn, Germany (1997)* 

Pult H. Fitting of `biggy packs` in keratoconus patients
Postgraduate Research Group, Pennsylvania College of Optometry, Philadelphia, USA (1997)*

Pult H. Projekt "Brillen für Afrika"
(Project "spectacles for Africans")
Fachakademie für Augenoptik München, München, Germany (1995)*

Pult H. Augenoptik in West-Afrika
(Optometry in West-Africa)
WVAO-Congress, University of Applied Science Aalen, Aalen, Germany (1994)*